Course Curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to BOXFIT®
    • BOXFIT®
    • What is the BOXFIT® Certification?
    • You did it – Welcome to BOXFIT® Fundamentals
    • What Makes BOXFIT® a Unique Program
    • The Steps for the BOXFIT® Fundamentals Course
    • Other BOXFIT® Certifications Available After the BOXFIT® Fundamentals Certification is Complete
    • Meet the BOXFIT® Coaches – Dave Brett
    • Meet the BOXFIT® Coaches – Sarah Hillhouse
    • Meet the BOXFIT® Coaches – Daniel Yelton
  • 2
    BOXFIT® Teaching Principles
    • Fundamental Teaching Principles – Intro
    • Learning Styles
    • Learning Styles – Auditory Learner
    • Learning Styles – Tactual Learner
    • Learning Styles – Visual Learner
    • Class Organization
    • Control of Distractions
    • Group Formations / Using the Space
    • Demonstrations and Explanations
    • Observations
    • Providing Feedback
    • The Boxer's Body
    • Slow and Fast Twitch Muscles – Slow Aerobic vs Fast Explosion
    • Developing General Motor Skills – Balance, Coordination, Agility
    • General Motor Skills – Balance
    • General Motor Skills – Coordination
    • General Motor Skills – Agility
    • Risk Factors and Safety When Teaching
    • Boxing Equipment
    • Studio Equipment
    • Fundamental Teaching Principles – Recap
  • 3
    BOXFIT® Fundamental Exercises
    • Fundamental Exercises – Intro
    • Push-up
    • Shoulder Touches
    • Rock Climbers
    • Jumping Jacks & Star Jumps
    • High-knee Punch-outs
    • Step Drills
    • Medicine Ball Toe Taps
    • Ali Shuffles
    • Speed Skaters
    • Squats
    • Lunges
    • Bear Crawls
    • Frog Jumps
    • Burpees
    • Plyometrics & Calisthenics – Intro
    • Calisthenics
    • Plyometrics – Heavy Bag Push-outs
    • Plyometrics – Heavy Bag Side to Side
    • Running Exercises – Pillars
    • Rowing Machine
    • Bike
    • Battle Ropes
    • Shadow Boxing
    • Fundamental Exercises – Recap
  • 4
    BOXFIT® Boxing Fundamentals
    • Boxing Fundamentals – Intro
    • Hand Wrapping – Intro
    • Hand Wrapping – Learn
    • Hand Wrapping – Teach
    • Advanced Hand Wrapping – Learn
    • Advanced Hand Wrapping – Teach
    • Skipping – Basic
    • Skipping – High-knees
    • Skipping – Other Footwork
    • Breathing
    • Touch Technique
    • Body/Head Movement
    • Southpaw or Orthodox Boxer?
    • Static Stance – Learn
    • Static Stance – Teach
    • Dynamic Stance – Learn
    • Dynamic Stance – Teach
    • Movement Forwards and Backwards (Orthodox and Southpaw)
    • Movement Left and Right (Orthodox and Southpaw)
    • Common Mistakes for Stance/Footwork
    • Range – (Inside/Inner/Outsider/Outer)
    • Range with a Partner
    • Boxing Fundamentals – Recap
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Touch Technique
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Touch Technique
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Touch Technique
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Footwork
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Footwork
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Footwork
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    BOXFIT® - The Jab (#1)
    • Introduction to Straight Punches
    • Standard Jab – Learn
    • Standard Jab – Teach
    • Step and Jab – Learn
    • Step and Jab – Teach
    • Double Jab – Learn
    • Double Jab – Teach
    • The Jab – Hand Pads (Mitts)
    • Jabbing a Mitt – Different POV
    • The Jab in Volume During Exercise Drills
    • The Jab – Common Mistakes
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab
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    BOXFIT® - The Cross (#2)
    • The Cross – Learn
    • The Cross – Teach
    • The Cross – Heavy Bag
    • The Cross – Hand Pads (Mitts)
    • The Cross – Hand Pads (Mitts) - Different POV
    • The Cross in Volume During Exercise Drills
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Cross
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Cross
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Cross
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    BOXFIT® - The Hook (#3 - #4)
    • The Hook – Learn
    • The Hook – Teach
    • The Offside Hook – Teach
    • Hooks – Different POV
    • Hooks in Volume During Exercise Drills
    • The Hook – Common Mistakes
    • Body Hooks – Learn
    • Lead Body Hook – Teach
    • Offside Body Hook – Teach
    • Body Hooks – Common Mistakes
    • Body Hooks – Bag
    • Body Hooks – Hand Pads (Mitts)
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Lead/Offside Hook
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Lead/Offside Hook
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    BOXFIT® - The Uppercut (#5 - #6)
    • Height Change
    • The Uppercut – Learn
    • Lead Side Uppercut – Teach
    • Offside Uppercut – Teach
    • Uppercuts – Heavy Bag
    • Uppercuts – Hand Pads (Mitts)
    • Uppercuts – Common Mistakes
    • Inside Punches – Recap
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Uppercut
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Uppercut
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Uppercut
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Uppercut
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Uppercut
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Lead/Offside Uppercut
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    BOXFIT® Defense - Adding Some Flair
    • Defense – Intro
    • Defending the Jab/Cross – Slip - Learn
    • Defending the Jab/Cross – Slip - Teach
    • Slip-slip – Learn
    • Slip-slip – Teach
    • The Slip – Common Mistakes
    • Defending the Hook with a (U-Shaped) Duck – Learn
    • Defending the Hook with a (U-Shaped) Duck – Teach
    • U-Shaped Duck – Common Mistakes
    • Defending the Jab or Cross with a Step Back – Learn
    • Defending the Jab or Cross with a Step Back – Teach
    • The Step Back – Common Mistakes
    • Defense – Recap
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab Slip
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab Slip
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab Slip
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Jab Slip
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the U-Shaped Duck
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the U-Shaped Duck
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the U-Shaped Duck
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Step Back/Rock Back
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Step Back/Rock Back
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Step Back/Rock Back
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    BOXFIT® Counter Punching
    • Counter Punching – Intro
    • The Catch and Counter – Learn
    • The Catch and Counter – Teach
    • The Catch and Counter with 1-2-3 and 2-3-2 Combos
    • The Catch and Counter – Common Mistakes
    • Countering the Jab with a Slip – Learn
    • Countering the Jab with a Slip – Teach
    • Countering the Cross with a Slip – Learn
    • Countering the Cross with a Slip – Teach
    • Countering with a Slip – Common Mistakes
    • Countering to the Body with a Slip - Jab (B1) – Learn
    • Countering to the Body with a Slip - Jab (B1) – Teach
    • Countering to the Body with a Slip - Cross (B2) – Learn
    • Countering to the Body with a Slip - Cross (B2) – Teach
    • Countering with a U-Shaped Duck – Learn
    • Countering with a U-Shaped Duck – Teach
    • Countering with a Step Back – Learn
    • Countering with a Step Back – Teach
    • Counter Punching – Recap
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Head Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Head Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Head Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Body Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Hook Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Hook Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Hook Counter
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Catch and Counters
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    BOXFIT® Combinations to Make You Shine
    • Combinations – Intro
    • Straight Combinations – Learn
    • Straight Combinations – Teach
    • 1-2 Combination on a Bag
    • 1-2 Combination on the Hand Pads (Mitts)
    • Straight Combinations – Common Mistakes
    • Body Punching – Intro (4 Rules)
    • The 1-B1-1 Combination – Teach
    • Hook Combinations – Learn
    • Hook Combinations – Teach
    • The 1-2-3 and 1-4 Combinations on a Bag
    • The 1-2-3 and 1-4 Combinations on Hand Pads (Mitts)
    • Hook Combinations – Common Mistakes
    • Advanced Combinations – Intro
    • Doubling-up Punching on the Same Side – Learn
    • Doubling-up Punching on the Same Side – Teach
    • Doubling-up Punching on the Same Side – Common Mistakes
    • Combinations – Recap
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Advanced Combo
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Advanced Combo
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Advanced Combo
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Double-up Combo
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Double-up Combo
    • Testing Video: Find the Error(s) in the Double-up Combo
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    BOXFIT® Core/Cool Downs/Sit-ups
    • Ab + Core Workouts – Intro
    • Sit-up (Sides and Middle)
    • Crunch (Sides and Middle)
    • V-sit
    • Leg Raises
    • Flutter Kick & Scissor Kick
    • Core Twist
    • Plank
    • The Core
    • The Core – Deadbugs
    • Cool Downs – Intro
    • Basic Stretch Routine
    • Advanced Stretch Routine
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    Music for BOXFIT®
    • Warm-up Music
    • Main Event Music
    • Cool-down Music
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    The BOXFIT® Formula
    • Incorporating Cardio into the Class
    • Running a Class from Start to Finish
    • The Importance of Being Prepared
    • The Power of a Template
    • Pre-class – Greetings, Equipment Prep, Attire, Attitude
    • Pre-class – Getting to Know Your New Members
    • Personality and Flow
    • Setting the Vibe
    • Breathers, Water Breaks, Reading Your Class
    • Post-class – Motivational Words, Be Accessible and Proactive
    • The BOXFIT® Formula
    • Running a BOXFIT® Class – Recap
  • 15
    BOXFIT® Final Exam
  • 16
    Certified BOXFIT® Coach
    • Next Steps